Beta Glucan

What is β-Glucan?

β-glucan, which is a polysaccharide composed of multiple D-glucose, belonging to a type of soluble dietary fiber. It is found in many different foods, including oat, barley, mushroom, yeast, algae, etc. In contrast to α-glucan, which is mostly in the form of a nutrient source, β-glucan cannot be hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes in the human body. β-glucan are divided into three major categories, namely oat β-glucan, yeast β-glucan and mushroom β-glucan. Researches have shown that these three β-glucans have the effects of reducing blood cholesterol, maintaining digestive tract function and controlling blood sugar.

The Unique Power of Yeast and Mushroom β-Glucans

  In addition, different from oat β-glucan whose structure is linear chain, yeast β-glucan and mushroom β-glucan have side branches in structure. This special structure enables these two β-glucans to bind to the surface proteins of human leukocytes, resulting in strengthening immunity and fighting cancer cells. On the top of that, several clinical studies have also demonstrated that β-glucan does not have any toxicity, and there are no obvious side effects in use. Such evidence indicates that β-glucan is a safe and natural active substance.

    This combination does not exist.

    Why choose New Bellus Mushroom Glucan?

    Although yeast β-glucan has longer side branches in the structure, which makes it more effective in activating the immune system, it also makes the water solubility of yeast β-glucan relatively low. Compared to yeast β-glucan, mushroom β-glucan, whose side branches are shorter, has both good immunity promotion capability and high water solubility.   


    Better Water Solubility

    New Bellus utilizes special processing technology to build the fantastic mushroom β-glucan that has better solubility than other products on the market. This feature enables our product to be used more widely and effectively.


    High Active Ingredient Content

    New Bellus Mushroom Glucan contains more than 40% water-soluble mushroom β-glucan, which is better than most of the mushroom products currently on the market.


    Contains L-Ergothioneine

     New Bellus Mushroom Glucan contains other special active substances, such as L-Ergothioneine, which is a strong antioxidant. L-Ergothioneine has been proven to effectively reduce telomere shortening and prevent health aging.


    Compliant with EU Food Regulation  

    New Bellus Mushroom Glucan has passed multiple hygiene and safety assessments.

    Product Indicator compositions
    Mushroom β-glucan
    Soluble βeta-glucan > 40%
    Lentinula edodes (Shiitake)
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