Unece® U-168
In Statistics, 80% Bedridden Groups & 25% Elderly Are Suffering From Bowel Problems
Some of the reasons for this tendency include poor diet, lack of adequate fluids in diet, lack of exercise, the use of certain drugs to treat other medical conditions, and poor bowel habits, like overuse of convenience foods, which tend to be low in fiber.
Bristol Stool Charto
Type 1 Separate hard lumps, like nuts and hard to pass.
Type 2 Sausage-shaped, but lumpy.
Type 3 Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface.
Type 4 Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft.
Type 5 Soft blobs with clear cut edges (passed easily).
Type 6 Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool.
Type 7 Watery, no solid pieces, entirely liquid.
Instructions :
For oral or tube feeding under. Pour 1 sachet (26g) with 120mL water and stir evenly before serving. Consume within 2 hours.
Osmolality: 280mOsm/kg H2O.
Calories information :
1 sachet (26g) provides 118.6Kcal (16.0% protein, 33.8% fat and 50.2% carbohydrate).
This product offers 1.0Kcal/ mL.
High in probiotic, prebiotic & dietary fiber for relieving bowel problems.
High in L-glutamine for intestine health.
High in L-carnitine for regeneration of red blood cells.